These terms and conditions apply between the person, firm, company or other entity specified on your booking form ("you" or "your") and the Elite Way company that is the owner, organizer, operator and/or manager of the event/conference ("Elite Way"), for attendee / delegate registrations for the event specified on your booking form ("Event"). Please read them carefully as they contain important information. By submitting your registration to attend the Event ("your registration") you agree to be bound by these terms to the exclusion of all other terms. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms Informa will be unable to accept your registration.

Registration Confirmation 
Your registration (whether submitted directly by you or on your behalf) is an offer to Elite Way to attend an Event which is subject to Elite Way's acceptance in writing (which may include (without limitation) email). A binding contract between Elite Way and you will only be formed when written confirmation of acceptance ("Confirmation" or "Confirmed") is sent by Elite Way to you (whether or not it is received) using the contact details you provided at the time of registration. Contact Elite Way if you have not received Confirmation within 5 days of your registration, but in any event if Confirmation is not sent within 14 days of Elite Way receiving your registration, your registration will be deemed to be accepted unless Elite Way notifies you otherwise. Elite Way reserves the right in its sole discretion to refuse to accept your registration.

Fees and Payment Terms
You will pay Elite Way the fees specified in your booking form for the Event ("your fees"). Payment of your fees must be received in full and in cleared funds by Elite Way from you in accordance with Elite Way's payment terms from time to time in force but in any event not later than 48 hours before the Event. If payment of your fees in full is not received before the Event, Elite Way may either require such payment as a condition of your access to the Event or refuse or block your access to the Event (whether physical or virtual). No refunds of any proportion of your fees already paid (if any) will be made and any balance of your fees will remain due and payable where access to an Event is refused under this Condition 2.1.

All discounts can only be applied at the time of registration and discounts cannot be combined. All discounts are subject to Elite Way's approval. Discounts for group registrations are only valid for the number of delegates specified on your booking form. If the number of delegates that actually attends the Event is (for any reason) less than the number specified in your booking form, then Elite Way may (at its sole discretion) change your fees to reflect the number of delegates that actually attend the Event in line with Elite Way's published prices then in force. Any additional sums payable to us as a result shall be paid in line with this Condition 2.

Prices for each Event are correct at the time of publication. Elite Way reserves the right to change the prices at any time but changes will not affect registrations which have already been confirmed by Elite Way.

It is the intent of the parties that Elite Way will receive payment of your fees net of all applicable taxes, including without limitation, sales, VAT, service or withholding taxes ("Taxes"), all of which shall be paid solely by you. If and to the extent that any Taxes are levied upon, or found to be applicable to, the whole or any portion of the payment of your fees, the amount of such payment shall be increased by an amount necessary to compensate for the Taxes (including any amount necessary to "gross up" for Taxes levied on the increase itself).

Cancellation by You
Except as may be otherwise expressly advised as part of the particular Event’s registration process, you may cancel your registration in accordance with this Condition 3. You will receive a refund of your fees paid to Elite Way (if any) if you cancel your registration 57 days or more before the Event, subject to an administration charge equivalent to 10% of the total amount of your fees plus Taxes (if applicable). Elite Way regrets that the full amount of your fee remains payable in the event that your cancellation is 56 days or less before the Event or if you fail to attend the Event. If a cancellation changes the entitlement to a multi-registration discount, the lowest value registration will be cancelled first. No cancellations are accepted once any part of a single or multi registration party has accessed the pre-Event networking or partnering facilities, applications or platforms. All cancellations must be sent by email to info@eliteway-sa.com marked for the attention of Customer Services and must be received by Elite Way. You acknowledge that the refund of your fees in accordance with Condition 3 is your sole remedy in respect of any cancellation of your registration by you and all other liability is expressly excluded.

Substitutions with employees from your organisation are welcome at any time but in all other respects delegate registrations are issued for your personal use only and cannot be shared with any person during the Event. You may not purchase registrations as agent for any third party, sell or otherwise transfer your registration to others, or exploit the registration commercially or non-commercially in any way.

Change to or Cancellation of the Event by Elite Way
Elite Way may (at its sole discretion) change the format (including, without limitation, from a physical in-person Event to a virtual Event and vice versa), speakers, participants, content, venue location and programme or any other aspect of the Event at any time and for any reason, whether or not due to a Force Majeure Event, in each case without liability.

Elite Way may (at its sole discretion) change the date or cancel an Event at any time for any reason. Where Elite Way changes the date or cancels the Event for any reason except due to a Force Majeure Event (in which case the terms of Condition 4.3 shall apply) Elite Way shall automatically transfer your registration to any rearranged Event that Elite Way chooses to organise (acting in its sole discretion). If you promptly, and not more than 21 days after being notified by Elite Way of the new date(s) of the Event, notify Elite Way in writing that you do not wish to attend the rearranged Event or if Elite Way elects not to rearrange the Event then you will (as your sole remedy) be entitled, at your discretion, to receive either a credit note or a refund in respect of your fees received by Elite Way

After expiry of the 21-day notification period set out above you may still cancel your registration for the rearranged Event; Condition 3 above shall apply with reference to the new dates and an administrative charge may be payable.

Where a Force Majeure Event has or may have an adverse impact on: (i) the ability of Elite Way to hold the Event at the planned venue or on the planned date; or (ii) the Event generally, then Elite Way shall be entitled but not obliged (in its sole discretion) to either: (i) provide an alternative format, facility or venue for the Event; and/or (ii) reschedule the Event. Any of your fees received by Elite Way shall be applied to any rearranged or rescheduled Event held pursuant to this Condition 4.3 and you shall not be entitled to object to such rearranged or rescheduled Event or have any right to claim any compensation in respect thereof. If Elite Way is unable or elects not to rearrange or reschedule the Event pursuant to this Condition 4.3, then you will (as your sole remedy) be entitled, in your sole discretion, to receive either a refund or credit note in respect of your fees received by Elite Way.

These terms and conditions shall equally apply in respect of any rearranged or rescheduled Event organised by Elite Way pursuant to Conditions 4.2 and 4.3. 

For the purposes of these terms and conditions, a "Force Majeure Event" is defined as any event or circumstance that occurs outside of Elite Way's reasonable control (including, but not limited to, governmental laws, ordinances, regulations, requisitions, restrictions, guidelines, recommendations, or action, imposition of sanctions, embargo, military action, acts or threats of terrorism or war, mob, ivil commotion or riot, health scares (including without limitation, epidemic and pandemic (e.g., COVID-19), whether or not new, ongoing or recurring), fire, acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake, severe weather, disaster, disruption to transportation, third party contractor/supplier failure, venue damage or cancellation, industrial dispute, strikes, labour disputes, interruption/failure of utility service, lack of commodities or supplies, accidents, nuclear, chemical or biological contamination, speaker or participant cancellation or withdrawal, or any other comparable calamity or casualty).

Elite Way shall not be liable to you for any loss, delay, damage, or other liability incurred as a result of or arising in connection with the cancellation or date change of the Event, or any venue change, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. You acknowledge and agree that the provisions of Conditions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 set out your sole remedy should the Event be changed, postponed or cancelled and all other liability of Elite Way is expressly excluded.

 Access to and Use of an online Event Platform
This clause 5 shall only apply where the whole or any part of the Event is provided in a virtual format.

You undertake to be responsible for any technical requirements needed to enable you to access the Event website, app or other platform made available by Elite Way to facilitate participation in the Event (the "Event Platform").

We make no guarantees that the Event Platform will run constantly, smoothly, or without errors or interruptions, and we disclaim any responsibility for its temporary inaccessibility. We provide no warranty that the Event Platform and/or any content on it (including, without limitation, any content available for download) are free of viruses, malware, Trojan horses, worms, or other harmful properties.

You must not attempt to obstruct the Event Platform's proper operation (for example, by attempting to circumvent security or tamper with, hack into or otherwise disrupt any computer system, server, website, router or any other internet connected device).

You agree to abide by any website terms of service and/or fair or acceptable usage policies that may be published on any website where the Event Platform is hosted.

We do not endorse or accept any responsibility for the content or use of any goods or services identified or described on the Event Platform, and we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of, or reliance on, any content, goods or services available on or through the Event Platform or any website or other resource referred to therein.

You may be provided a username and password by Elite Way. Usernames and passwords are confidential and remain the property of Elite Way at all times. They may not be sold, assigned, or transferred to anyone else without our permission. Your username and password are personal to you. You hereby agree that you will not permit others to use your username or password and you will be and remain liable for the acts of any person using your username and password.

Any posts, messages, or other materials, information, or data you supply or upload to the Event Platform (collectively, "Materials") will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary, and we reserve the right to use, copy, distribute, and disclose such Materials to third parties for any reason. To the extent authorized by law, you hereby waive any moral rights in any Materials. We reserve the right to modify or delete postings to any message boards on the Event Platform, as well as delete or use electronic technologies to block or filter any Materials, at our sole discretion, but we are under no obligation to do so.

You shall not make libellous postings or any postings which are illegal or infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. Elite Way will not be responsible for monitoring Materials for compliance with law.

You may use the Event Platform solely for access to the Event. Without limitation, you must not: (i) download, store, reproduce, transmit, display, copy, distribute, exploit or use the Event Platform and/or any content thereon for your own commercial gain, (ii) use the Event Platform and/or any content thereon in any manner other than in compliance with law and these terms and conditions, (iii) infringe our intellectual property rights or those of any third party in relation to your use of the Event Platform and/or any content thereon, (iv) transmit, or procure the sending of, any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional material or any other form of similar solicitation, and/or (v) knowingly transmit, send or upload any data that contains viruses, infections, Trojan horses, worms and/or any other code that has contaminating or destructive properties viruses.

Elite Way are under no obligation to oversee, monitor or moderate any interactive service we provide on the Event Platform and, without limitation, we expressly exclude all liability for any loss, injury or damage whatsoever arising from the use of any interactive service by any user, whether the service is moderated or not.

Consequences for Breach
In its sole discretion, Elite Way may refuse access to, or eject / block from the Event, any person, including (without limitation) any person who fails to comply with these terms and conditions or who, in Elite Way's opinion, poses a security risk, nuisance, or annoyance to the Event's operation. You agree to abide Elite Way's or the venue owners' or operators' reasonable guidelines at the Event.

Consent to Official Photography and / or Recording at Events
All unauthorised photography and / or the recording or transmitting of audio or visual material, data or information is expressly prohibited. You agree to Elite Way undertaking multimedia recording of the Event which may include your participation in the Event as a delegate (the “Content”) and you consent to the use by Elite Way of any such recording anywhere in the world for promotional, marketing and other purposes. You acknowledge and agree that Elite Way is the exclusive owner of all rights in the Content and hereby waive any and all: (a) rights in and to such Content, and (b) claims that you may have relating to or arising from the Content or its use.

Data Privacy
The personal information which you provide to us will be held by us on a database and where we have appropriate authorisation/justification (which may include, without limitation, express/implied consent or legitimate interests), may be shared with other companies in the Elite Way. Your personal information may also be shared with government entities and regulatory authorities as required by law. Further, there may be certain areas of the Event at which your attendance is conditional on your personal information being provided to third parties which have sponsored or are managing such areas. The use that any third parties make of your personal information is outside of Elite Way s control and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we do not accept any liability in this regard. For more information about how Elite Way use the information you provide.

Limitation of Liability
To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, Elite Way excludes: (a) all liability for loss, injury, disease or damage to persons or property at the Event; (b) all indemnities, warranties, representations (whether express or implied); and (c) any actual or alleged indirect loss or consequential loss, any loss of profits, anticipated profits, savings, loss of business revenue, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, or any other type of economic loss, suffered by you howsoever arising. If Elite Way is liable to you for any reason, Elite Way's total liability to you in relation to the Event (whether under these terms or conditions or otherwise) is limited to the amount of your fees received by Elite Way.

If, by reason of any Force Majeure Event, Elite Way is delayed in or prevented from performing any of its obligations to you under these terms and conditions or otherwise, then such delay or non-performance shall not be deemed to be a breach of these terms and conditions and no loss or damage shall be claimed by you by reason thereof. Elite Way's obligations shall be suspended during the period of the delay or non-performance and Elite Way and you shall each use reasonable endeavours to mitigate the effect of the Force Majeure Event. The provisions of this Condition 10.1 are subject to the provision of Condition 4.3.

Elite Way reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time. However, you will be subject to the terms and conditions in force at the time you submit your registration.

No person other than you and Elite Way shall have the right to enforce these terms and conditions between us without the prior written agreement of you and Elite Way.

 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The governing law of these terms and conditions shall be determined based on the location of in which the Event is due to take place:

If the Event is originally scheduled to be held in Saudi Arabia, then these terms and conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Saudi Arabia; or Otherwise, these terms and conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation shall be governed by Saudi Arabia law and you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Saudi Arabia courts.

Nothing in this Condition 11 shall prevent or restrict Elite Way from pursuing any action against you in any court of competent jurisdiction.

You should carefully assess whether you will be able to participate in any activities given as part of an Event-related program. Some activities may be physically demanding and/or carry inherent dangers.  You are aware that if you do not do various physical-based activities correctly, they may endanger your physical health and safety. You acknowledge that, if a program is available for the Event you are attending, it is solely your duty to determine if participation in any activity given as part of the program is appropriate for your abilities, aptitude, fitness, and health.If you're concerned about your capabilities, aptitude, fitness, and health are all important factors to consider. Prior to participating in any activity, you should check with (and follow the recommendations of) a medical expert. If you become ill or believe it is harmful for you to continue with an activity, please stop immediately and seek proper medical attention. You also acknowledge that it is solely your duty to comply with all health and safety regulations and instructions related to activities. If you're participating in any activity that's offered virtually in a home or office environment, ensure your surroundings are safe, have enough space, and are clear of dangerous or hazardous materials and items. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Elite Way and all entities within the Elite Way group (as well as any employees or other representatives of the same) disclaim all liability for any loss, injury, disease, or damage that you may suffer in connection with or arising from your participation in any activities offered as part of the programme (including, without limitation, any activities offered as part of the programme). whether direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive loss, injury, or damage (including, without limitation, personal injury or disease, property damage, theft, loss of profits, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss of goodwill, loss or corruption of data, or any other type of economic loss, injury, or damage) This paragraph's limits and exclusions only apply to the degree authorized by applicable law.

If you wish to contact us in relation to these terms and conditions, please contact us at: Elite Way – Legal Department

29th floor, Olaya Towers, Tower B, Prince Mohammed bin Abdul-Aziz Street - Riyadh, 12213, Saudi Arabia



29th floor, Olaya Towers, Tower B, Prince Mohammed bin Abdul-Aziz Street - Riyadh, 12213, Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 11 297 8251  |  info@eliteway-sa.com

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